日前,Moka以合作伙伴身份亮相了 People Matters TechHR Singapore Conference,该活动也是亚洲最大的人力资源与技术工作会议。
Recently, Moka shows as a partner at the 2023 TechHR Singapore Conference host by People Matters.The event is also the Asia’s largest HR and work tech conference.

Right, Moka is going overseas too! This is a milestone step in the process of achieving Moka’s vision of “building a world-class HR product and winning the recognition of 100,000 organizations and employees”.
In recent years, it is common trend for Chinese companies to go overseas. Moka, as a recruitment SaaS service provider in China with the largest market share, has thousands of clients who are at the forefront of going overseas. In the process of serving these cilents, we have heard their voices one after another: the existing recruitment management system in the overseas market can’t satisfy the demand well, or with two different systems creates a lot of troubles, and they hope to have a set of smoother and more reliable intelligent recruitment management system.
Therefore, Moka decided to start from the needs of such clients, and formally access to the overseas business with the recruitment management system as the entry point and the Southeast Asian market as the bridgehead.

( People Matters TechHR Singapore Conference现场)
To follow up, Moka will continue to explore the business model of overseas business and polish the products for the international market, bringing the philosophy of “better experience for all” to a broader market. If you are interested in learning more about Moka’s overseas business, or if you want to work with Moka to create the products for the international market, please feel free to contact us.